Thursday, December 15, 2011

Northeast Collector & Dealer James Enders Selects Victor-Hugo Vaca Jr's newest work: "Bankers & Lawyers"

James Enders' Philadelphia Gallery holds an impressive personal collection including Warhol and Basquiat and now, this fine-art piece entitled "Bankers, Lawyers & Reptiles" by Contemporary Abstract Expressionist, Victor-Hugo Vaca Jr. known as "The Maverick Artist". Fox news called Vaca the "modern-day Andy Warhol". Club TV dubs him "the Howard Stern of the Art World". Founder of the Modern Art Music Movement, Vaca exhibited with Enders as featured artists of the Art Basel 2011 Show of Hidden Treasures Magazine. The South Beach event was attended by glitterati & celebrities with Vaca holding court on moderating the Red Carpet. His "Modern Art Gonzo Journalism" combining the journalistic approach of Hunter S. Thompson with the cryptic messages of a Salvador Dali, Vaca's latest work reveals the dangerous world in which we live where bankers run amok and lawyers have no oversight.Enders, a fourth generation artist has lived and breathed in the stratosphere of the art scene and with a keen eye selected Vaca's "Bankers & Lawyers & Reptiles" for his personal collection.  Vaca's current collection is on display in South Florida. For private showings, contact Christine Alfonso @ 954-615-7171
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